
Computer Gaming Health and Fun

Younger children as well as teens can easily become dependent on computer and console games. Because of this many parents are reluctant to allow their children to play these type…

Climbing Frame Safety

Most kids enjoy outdoor exercise. Climbing frames provide children with lots of opportunity for fun, healthy activity. If you are planning to purchase a climbing frame for your family, there…

Getting Your Baby to Sleep

Whoever coined the phrase, “sleep like a baby” must not have been a parent. As all exhausted parents will tell you, babies tend to sleep sporadically, at best. One night,…

What is a Walking Bus?

A generation ago, kids were thinner and healthier. Part of the reason for the increase in overweight kids is their lack of physical activity. While their parents were likely to…

Vitamin D And Sun Exposure

For decades, we’ve been warned about the dangers of sun exposure. Most of us diligently apply sunscreen before heading outdoors, confident that we are protecting ourselves and our children’s delicate…

Is There Such a Thing as a Safe Tan?

For many of us, the ideal summer look includes beautifully bronzed skin. We tend to view it as highly attractive and healthy. Although society may favour the sun-kissed look, physicians…

Flat Head Syndrome in Babies

If you spend a great deal of time in the presence of babies, you have certainly noticed that it is becoming fairly common to see an infant with a flat…

Formatting Example

Go green, get fit and learn about nature as a conservation helper. Whether in a city, a town or a village develop new skills while helping to preserve the environment….

Digital Baby Monitors: Are they Safe?

Children may be more vulnerable from exposure to any form of electro magnetic energy, such as that generated by mobile telephones and to a degree baby monitors. This is because…